Redzone, a leisure complex where everyone can have fun together in Vendée
Redzone, a leisure complex where everyone can have fun together in Vendée
4,8 km - Challans
The Castle of Commequiers is an old fortified castle from the 11th century. It is a very romantic area. Placed on a ...
4,7 km - Commequiers
La Cité Maraîchine, the third most important city in Vendée, well located and economically dynamic, Challans is a ...
4,8 km - Challans
The Charles Milcendeau Museum has naturally settled in the house of this painter. In love with his region but also ...
4,9 km - Soullans
Discover the ultimate gourmet experience at Boulangerie Pâtisserie Maxime Papin in Challans, VENDEE! Our ...
5,0 km - Challans
Commequiers is a commune in Vendée which is an ideal mix between countryside and coastline. Located near ...
5,0 km - Commequiers
4,8 km - Challans
4,8 km - Challans
Party Time
11,5 km - Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez
Food Lovers
11,5 km - Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez
Weekend & Holidays
11,5 km - Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez
Culture and Heritage
Bring your private and professional events to life with your event agency TIME FOR AN EVENT At LE TEMPS D'UN ...
4,9 km - Challans
Vendéevent, an essential event agency in Vendée Organization, coordination and decoration, opt for serenity with a ...
34,5 km - Les Sables-d'Olonne